
Bisexuality: what is it?

Bisexuality is an orientation in which a person feels attracted to people of both their own and opposite sex, and this attraction can be sexual, romantic, or emotional. Some people experience bisexuality equally for both genders, while others experience it with different dynamics depending on the situation or person.

For bisexuals, difficulties are often associated with a phenomenon known as ‘double stigma.’, as they can often face prejudice not only from heterosexual people, but also within the LGBTQ+ community. Often their orientation is perceived as something temporary, ‘ambiguous’ or even as a way to draw attention to themselves; such beliefs cause mistrust, which can exacerbate inner doubts and isolate a person from society.

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How to understand your orientation

Understanding your bisexuality starts with analysing your feelings. You may have noticed an attraction or interest in people of different genders but not given it much thought. Sometimes feelings may be confused because of social stereotypes or internal homophobia. Therefore, if you are questioning your orientation, try honesty exploring your emotions, desires, and relationships; don't be afraid to ask yourself questions and don't rush your answers. 

Accepting yourself

Accepting your orientation is an important step in every person's life. Regardless is not an easy process, during this period you may feel anxious, lonely or even rejected, you may have no idea where or how to move forward.

Know that this will pass and you will accept who you are. This can be helped by loved ones, friends or counselling from a psychologist who will give you valuable insights. Also you can read more books about psychology and self-acceptance to guide you through it.

Finally, find a community, people who have been through the same experience, understand how they coped with it, what they felt at this period of life. It is very important to find like-minded people who will understand and support you or give you advice.

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How to tell others about your orientation

If you decide to share your orientation with family or friends, it is important to choose the right time and place. Start with people who you are sure will be receptive, and keep in mind that being open and honest will help make the conversation more comfortable. For example, you might say that this is an important part of your life that you want to share in order to be honest with your loved ones. Be prepared for different reactions: some people may take time to accept new information; but if someone reacts negatively, remember that this reflects their prejudice, not your value as a person.

Bisexual and relationships

Bisexual people build relationships just like everyone else; they can be monogamous, polygamous or in an open relationship - it all depends on personal preference. Stereotypes that bisexuals are supposedly less stable in relationships are absolutely untrue.

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Historical aspects

Bisexuality has existed throughout human history. In ancient Greece and Rome, same-sex relationships were part of the social norm, often co-existing with heterosexual marriages. In Edo-era Japanese culture, bisexual relationships were widely publicised in literature and art. In the modern world, bisexuality began to be recognised in the mid-twentieth century through the LGBTQ+ movement, but stereotypes and misunderstandings still persist.


Does bisexuality affect the type of relationship?

No, bisexuality does not mean that a person necessarily seeks relationships with partners of both sexes at the same time. People with bisexual orientation, like people of any other orientation, can choose different types of relationships, from monogamous to polyamorous, depending solely on their preferences and attitudes. It is important to realise that sexual orientation does not determine the pattern of relationships. Bisexuality only indicates that a person is capable of experiencing romantic or sexual feelings for members of different genders, but it has nothing to do with how many partners they choose to have or how they structure their relationships.

Bisexuality: are men and women equally attracted to each other?

No, bisexuality does not mean being equally attracted to men and women. This orientation implies an interest in people of more than one sex, but the intensity of this attraction can vary. Some bisexuals may have a predominant attraction to one sex at different stages of their lives, while others may have a predominant attraction to the other sex. In addition, preferences may change over time, influenced by life experiences, emotions, or circumstances.


























