
Apothisexuality is a type of sexual orientation in which a person not only has no interest in sexual activity, but also feels a pronounced aversion to it. It is important to realize that this condition is not limited to a lack of sexual desire; it is accompanied by a strong emotional reaction to the very idea of intimacy, causing discomfort, anxiety or even squeamishness.

The basic tenets of apothisexuality are as follows:

  • Aversion to sexual activity: Apothisexual people have no desire to engage in sexual activity. Moreover, the very thought of such a prospect may make them disgusted or even fearful.
  • Distinction between romantic and sexual attraction: Some apothisexual want to build romantic relationships that do not include a sexual component. Such people may experience emotional and romantic attraction without the need for intimacy.
  • Part of the asexuality spectrum: Apothisexuality is seen as a form of asexuality. It not only involves a lack of interest in sex, but is characterized by an active aversion to topics related to sexuality.
  • Self-identification: The term apothisexuality helps people to better express their feelings and identify their relationship preferences. It makes it possible to distinguish those who have a strong aversion to sex from people who are simply not sexually attracted, but do not have such a strong reaction to the topic.
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  • Apothisexual

Etymology and meaning of the term

The term apothisexuality has its roots in the Greek language, the word “apothisian” translates to “disgust” or “aversion”. It is important to note that people of this orientation are not opposed to sex per se or judgmental of those who practice it; as apothisexuality has to do solely with personal feelings and comfort levels regarding sexuality.

A romantic relationship without sexual intimacy

1. Romance without a sexual component

People who identify as apothisexual may experience romantic feelings and seek emotional intimacy. In this sense, they are able to build strong relationships based on mutual understanding and support that include hugging, kissing, spending time together, and sharing personal experiences. However, sexual attraction is absent in such relationships.

2. Respect for personal boundaries

In relationships, apothisexual often set clear boundaries regarding physical intimacy. It is important for a successful union that the partner understands and respects these boundaries. In this sense, open discussions about acceptable forms of physical affection and expression of feelings can help avoid misunderstandings.

3. Partner's expectations

One of the key points in an apothisexual romantic relationship is to discuss your partner's expectations. To avoid disappointment, it is important to talk about needs and preferences in advance; for example, a partner may be sexually active but respect the apothisexual's reluctance to engage in intimacy.

4. Alternative expressions of intimacy

Apothisexuals may express love and affection in other ways, including romantic acts, kissing, hugging, supporting each other in times of need, and spending time together. These actions create a strong emotional bond without requiring sexual interaction.

5.Possible difficulties

Differences in sexual preferences can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings in a couple; therefore, honesty and openness in communication are especially important. In some cases, apothisexuals find partners who share their views on sexuality or people who are comfortable with a relationship without a sexual component.

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Relationship formats for apothisexuals

Some apothisexuals may feel comfortable in polyamorous or open relationships. In such unions, the partner is able to fulfill their sexual needs with other people while remaining romantically and emotionally intimate with the apothisexual. This approach helps maintain harmony in the relationship, reducing the likelihood of conflicts related to different views on sexuality.

How apothisexuality differs from asexuality

Apotisexuality and asexuality have differences despite their similarities. First, while asexuals are generally indifferent to sex, apothisexuals have a pronounced aversion to the very idea of sexual activity. Also, a hallmark of apothisexuality is a sense of squeamishness and aversion toward personal participation in sexual acts.

There are also antisexuals who may dislike not only sex, but also the romantic or emotional aspects of relationships. Aditionally, the level of disgust among apothisexuals can vary; some are uncomfortable even watching sexual content in the media or reading material on the subject

Essentially, apothisexuality is one facet of the spectrum of asexuality, allowing people to define their sexuality more precisely and find appropriate forms of interaction in the complex and multifaceted world of human feelings and relationships.

Variability in personal perceptions of apothisexuality

Feelings and perceptions of apothisexuality can change over time. Therefore, for some people, sensitivity to issues related to sexuality may diminish or, conversely, become more pronounced.

Such changes are often due to a variety of factors, including personal growth, changes in life priorities, and a reassessment of how one views oneself and the world around one. These processes can affect a person's comfort level with sexuality and their interaction with social norms and expectations.

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Factors influencing the formation of apotisexuality

Apothisexuality can develop for a variety of reasons, which makes it unique compared to other forms of sexual orientation, most often independent of external circumstances. For some people, this quality may be innate, while for others, it may be formed over the course of a lifetime due to certain events and factors.

Personal experiences and traumatic situations

Some people's aversion to sex may be related to negative past experiences, such as violence, coercion, or psychological pressure in intimate relationships. In such cases, sexual intimacy is associated with anxiety, fear or discomfort, leading to a persistent rejection of this area of life.

Cultural and religious attitudes

Social norms, religious beliefs and traditions can also shape negative attitudes towards sex. In cultures where sexuality is considered a taboo subject or something sinful, these attitudes can reinforce negative perceptions of intimate relationships and cause internal discomfort at the thought of them.

Ethical and personal views

Some apothisexuals view sexual activity as something inappropriate, uncomfortable, or meaningless. For them, this aspect of life may seem alien and even disgusting due to personal beliefs or aesthetic perceptions.

Need for boundaries and control

The desire to maintain personal space and control over one's own life can also be a reason for rejection of sexual intercourse. For these individuals, sexual activity is associated with a loss of boundaries, which reinforces the need to avoid such situations.


How to explain apothisexuality to a partner?

Discuss your feelings honestly and openly. Explain that your attitude toward sex is part of your personality, not a flaw in your partner; and emphasize the importance of emotional closeness and rapport rather than physical intimacy. Sincerity will help build trust and avoid misunderstandings.

Is apothisexuality part of the LGBTQ+ community?

Yes, it belongs to the asexual spectrum, which is included in the LGBTQ+ community. Asexuality and its variants, including apothisexuality, are recognized as full forms of sexual orientation and are part of the diversity of identities within this community.

Could it be temporary?

Some people may experience feelings of aversion to sex at certain times in their lives. This may be due to stress, changes in health, or changes in personal preferences. For others, however, apothisexuality is a stable part of their identity and does not change over time.

How do I know if I am apothisexual?

If you are not sexually attracted and feel intense discomfort or aversion to the idea of sexual intimacy for yourself, this may indicate apothisexuality. However, the exact answer can be found by exploring your feelings, preferences and introspection.











