
Understanding aegosexuality: characteristics and manifestations

Aegosexuality falls on the spectrum of asexuality and is characterised by the fact that a person can feel aroused at the thought of sexual behaviour, but feels little or no sexual attraction to other people. It can also mean that a person is capable of feeling sexual attraction but does not want to engage in sexual intercourse.

For example, such people may engage in masturbation, watch pornographic content or other sexually explicit material, but lack the desire to engage in intimate relationships with others.

Manifestations of aegosexuality can be varied. For example, a person with this identity may prefer to fantasise about others having sex rather than imagining themselves in the process.

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What is aegosexuality: characteristics and perceptions

  • Separating the self from sexual experience

Aegosexuals may enjoy watching sex scenes in films, reading erotic literature, or fantasising about intimate topics, but such preoccupations are rarely accompanied by a desire to participate in such activities personally.

  • Indirect enjoyment of sexuality

Some aegosexuals may show interest in discussing topics related to sexuality, watching porn or similar material, but have no desire to engage in sexual activity with others.

  • Relationship to asexuality

Aegosexuality is often seen as part of the spectrum of asexuality. It combines elements of sexual interest, manifested at the level of fantasy, and the lack of desire for physical intimacy that characterises asexuality.

  • Fantasies without the desire for fulfilment

Aegosexuals may have intimate fantasies, but a key feature of their identity is a lack of desire to realise such fantasies in real life.

  • Attitudes toward sexual activity

Although aegosexuals may understand the nature of sexual activity and be interested in erotic images or ideas; regardless, the process of sex itself is often uninteresting or may even be uncomfortable.

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Features of the orientation and its unique aspects

Aegosexuality, also known as autocorrisexuality, is part of the asexuality spectrum. It is an orientation in which a person does not experience sexual attraction to others, but may experience arousal or have fantasies about intimate topics.

The main characteristic of aegosexuality is the emotional separation of oneself from one's fantasies.

The name ‘aegosexuality’ comes from the Greek word ‘aego’, meaning ‘I’, which emphasises the individual and inner nature of the perception of sexuality. 

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Difficulties faced by people with an aegosexual identity

  • Society often promotes sexual activity, success and intimacy. For aegosexuals, as for any person in general, this can result in pressure to conform to conventional expectations. This societal attitude undermines self-confidence and disrupts a comfortable sense of identity.
  • Aegosexuality is not widely known, as it is hardly discussed in public circles; therefore, people with this sexual orientation feel invisible.
  • People with an aegosexual orientation often face negative judgements, including stereotypes that they are ‘inferior’, ‘immature’ or simply haven't found the right partner. These myths put pressure on their psycho-emotional state and inhibit openness.
  • Creating romantic relationships can be difficult for aegosexuals, especially if the partner does not understand or accept their orientation. This is often a source of frustration and an obstacle to building harmonious bonds.
  • Aegosexuals' ability to experience arousal or fantasise often leads to erroneous conclusions that they are allosexual. This causes misunderstanding and can devalue their individual experience and identity.
  • Feeling misunderstood, stigmatised and isolated can contribute to problems such as anxiety, depression and feelings of loneliness. Recognising their identity and providing support are important steps towards improving their psychological well being.


Are romantic relationships possible for aegosexuals?

It is certainly possible for people with an aegosexual orientation to form romantic relationships; since aegosexuality is related to sexual preferences, but does not exclude the presence of romantic attachment. Such people are capable of experiencing deep romantic feelings without the desire for physical intimacy.

Do aegosexuals experience complete indifference to sex?

Not necessarily. Aegosexuals may have an interest in sexual topics, but this interest tends to remain detached and lacks personal involvement. They may find it fascinating to discuss sexuality, study it from a theoretical point of view, or enjoy such subjects in art; but this does not lead to a desire to participate in intimate activity themselves.

Is aegosexuality recognised as a full-fledged orientation?

Aegosexuality is a fairly new concept that is not yet widely recognised. Unlike the more familiar categories of sexual orientation, it remains little known. Nevertheless, its recognition is growing, especially in the LGBTQ+ community and among people whose sexual identity transcends traditional perceptions.


























